Our highly trained pediatric occupational therapy team utilizes the unparalleled array of equipment within our clinics. Our therapists have the ability to address the occupational therapy (OT) needs of the child in a unique and engaging environment.
What is pediatric occupational therapy?
Occupational therapy helps children develop skills for everyday living. OT helps with:
Sensory integration
Also known as sensory processing, this is using our brains and our bodies to process the sensations happening around us.
Social skills
Social skills include learning how to interact with others, adapt to change, navigate emotions and develop problem-solving skills.
Feeding therapy helps children who have difficulty eating or drinking. Occupational therapists may address sensory issues like aversion to tastes or textures, or work on oral motor skills — how jaw, tongue, lips, cheek and teeth work together.
Fine motor/visual motor skills
This includes skills like handwriting, tying shoes and cutting with scissors, which require smaller movements and hand-eye coordination.
A child’s primary “occupation” is play. Occupational therapists help create environments for developmentally appropriate play by choosing activities that support your child’s individual needs and skill level.
Self-care skills we work on in occupational therapy include dressing, grooming, toileting, bathing, cooking/food preparation and more.
How do you know if OT can help your child?
Our occupational therapy screening tool is a great way to determine if pediatric occupational therapy (OT) is right for your child and can help them meet life’s challenges. Your child may benefit from occupational therapy intervention if they have experienced or are experiencing any of the issues mentioned in our free screening tool.
Contact us
Call us today at 443-978-6020 or request an appointment for an occupational therapy evaluation for your child.