Sensory integration
What is sensory integration?
Sensory integration is the ability to take in, sort out, and make sense of information from our surrounding environments, so that we are able to function and interact successfully.
What is sensory integration dysfunction?
There is dysfunction when one or more of the sensory systems is unable to efficiently process incoming sensory information, resulting in undesirable reactions or inability to participate successfully in the child’s daily routine.
What are the seven sensory systems?
- Tactile (touch)
- Proprioceptive (input to muscles and joints)
- Vestibular (movement)
- Auditory (hearing)
- Visual
- Gustatory (taste) / oral processing
- Olfactory (smell)
Tactile system
The tactile system includes two branches.
- Discriminative: provides information about what type of touch and characteristics about the object being touched. Common characteristics of dysfunction include:
- Difficulties with grasping school tools/in-hand manipulation
- Difficulties with task performance without vision
- Decreased environmental exploration
- Protective: provides information regarding touch that can alert our body of potential harm.
- Responds emotionally to touch
- Sensitive to grooming and dressing tasks
- Difficulty standing close to others
- Avoidance behaviors
- Low threshold for pain
- Holds small objects in hand to defend self
- Excessive touching
- Under reactive to harmful touch
- Messy eater
- Awkward in-hand manipulation
- High threshold for pain
- Decreased body awareness
Proprioceptive system
The proprioceptive system allows for the awareness of the position of muscles and joints. It is important for determining and implementing the appropriate amount of force needed to complete tasks and executing smooth, coordinated body movements. Specific functions are to improve body awareness and contribute to motor control and motor planning. Characteristics of proprioceptive dysfunction include:
- Deliberately falling and crashing
- Rough with peers and toys
- Tends to slump, and lean when sitting or fall out of chair
- Unaware of safety concerns/takes excessive risks
- Stomps feet, slams doors
- Clumsy and appears uncoordinated
- Prefers tight clothes
- Prefers enclosed spaces
- Poor grading of force (i.e. throwing a ball, writing with a pencil)
Vestibular system
The vestibular system is the sensory system that responds to motion or change of head position. It is noted to have an influence on muscle tone, posture, bilateral motor coordination and balance. It is considered the unifying system of the brain and is responsible for regulation of arousal, speech and language development, motor planning and concentration. Characteristics of vestibular dysfunction include:
- Intolerant of unexpected movement
- Dislikes playground equipment
- Hesitant with stairs, curbs
- Needs to have feet on the ground
- Tends to be tense and rigid
- Seeks out movement experiences
- Constantly moves, or fidgets
- Decreased attention/focus
- Poor balance/clumsiness
- Difficulty calming down
- Irregular sleep patterns
Auditory system
The auditory system allows us to interact with and respond to sounds in our environment. Characteristics of auditory dysfunction include:
- Difficulty working with background noise
- Difficulty following directions
- Difficulty responding to name
- Responds negatively to unexpected loud noises
- Difficulties localizing sound
Visual system
The visual system allows us to interact and respond to sounds in our environment. Characteristics of visual dysfunction include:
- Visual distractibility
- Avoids eye contact
- Sensitive to light
- Seeks out visual stimuli
- Difficulties finding objects in competing backgrounds
- Difficulties with puzzles
- Difficulties with reading
- Difficulties with spacing when writing
Gustatory system (taste)
Receptors help us identify certain tastes (spicy, sweet, sour, bland). Characteristics of gustatory dysfunction include:
- Excessive pickiness with foods
- Strong adverse reaction to certain foods
- Resistive to tooth brushing or face washing
- Puts things in their mouth (nonfood)
- Gags easily
- Resistive to eating utensils
Contact us
Call us today at 443-978-6020 or request an appointment for evaluation for your child.