Instructions for upper endoscopy (EGD) for patients of TidalHealth Gastroenterology in Seaford
These instructions are for patients scheduled with a upper endoscopy (EGD) at TidalHealth Nanticoke, 801 Middleford Road, Seaford, DE. The day of your procedure, report to the main entrance of the hospital.
Patients are to call 302-629-6611 ext. 3824 between 2 and 3:30pm the day before their procedures confirm the time of arrival.
Please read all instructions regarding prep for this procedure, failure to follow these instructions may result in a cancellation of the procedure.
You must stop any blood thinners/anticoagulants for as many days as directed by your provider.
One week before your procedure
Do not take aspirin, ibuprofen, Motrin, Celebrex, Advil, Aleve, or Naprosyn, as well as any medications containing the above-mentioned medications. Tylenol only can be used for headaches or pain.
The night before your procedure
Nothing to eat or drink after midnight.
The morning of your procedure
Do not take any insulin or diabetic medication the morning of the procedure. Please take them with you to the hospital.
You must have an adult (18 years of age or older) present to take you home the day of your procedure. You will be unable to drive after being sedated.
If you have any questions or need to cancel your procedure: Please call the office at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment time, at 302-297-2506 and ask to speak to your provider's medical assistant. If you need to cancel the day of your procedure, please call the GI unit at the hospital 302- 629-6611 ext. 3557, Monday - Friday, 6:30 am to 4 pm.