What is the Wellness Center?
Delmar Middle and Senior High School students in grades 5 through 12 may use the Wellness Center. Services are provided by TidalHealth in partnership with Delaware Health and Social Services.
What services are offered?
Services were developed and designed based on a needs assessment survey completed by the students, parents, and faculty of Delmar Middle & Senior High School. Services include:
- Physical health. Students may use the Wellness Center for routine physical examinations, sports or employment physicals, treatment of minor illness or injury, immunizations, prescriptions for routine medications, family physician follow-up, diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and identification and referral for treatment of high-risk conditions.
- Education. The Wellness Center offers educational programs designed to promote a healthy and safe lifestyle including smoking prevention/cessation, individual and group health education, HIV and AIDS education, responsible decision making, healthy lifestyle habits and health promotion.
- Mental health. Meeting the emotional and mental health needs of today’s youth is extremely important. The Wellness Center offers drug and alcohol counseling, self-esteem counseling, stress and anxiety intervention, suicide prevention, individual and family counseling and referral services.
- Nutrition. Information is available on healthy eating, special diets, weight management and sports nutrition.
- Laboratory tests. The Wellness Center offers limited, point of care laboratory testing on-site.
Wellness Center charges
Services are provided at no cost to students or families. Vaccines are available to students who qualify through the state immunization program and are provided at no charge. If the student has health insurance, the insurance will be billed for services provided. No co-pays or non-covered expenses will be collected.
For students to receive care at the Wellness Center, the parent or legal guardian must sign a parental consent form, complete the medical history form, bring in a copy of insurance card, and return completed forms to the Wellness Center before the students may be seen. Students may be referred to the Wellness Center by themselves, a parent, school nurse, guidance counselor or primary care provider.
Additional information on the Wellness Center may be obtained by calling 302-846-0303.
Enrollment and forms
Completed packets can be dropped off to the main office, faxed to 302-846-0502, mailed to the Wellness Center at 200 N. 8th Street, Delmar, DE 19940, or completed and then scanned or emailed to [email protected].
Forms in Haitian and Spanish are available. Please contact the Wellness Center for copies.
Location and hours
The Wellness Center is located in Room 404 at Delmar Middle and High School. It will be open from 7:30 am to 3:00 pm each day school is in session. A limited summer schedule will be announced annually.
Telehealth is available. Call 302-846-0303 for more information.
Team players
Students at Delmar Middle and High School
Wellness Center Staff:
- Janet Talley, PA-C
Coordinator/Physician Assistant - Victoria Cromer
Administrative Assistant - John Appiott, DO
Physician - Wendy Polk, RD
Nutritionist/Dietitian - Elysha Davis, LPCMH
Behavioral Health Counselor