TidalHealth recognizes the support of family and friends as part of the healing process. We have a patient-centered, family-focused visiting policy to promote a positive environment while protecting the safety and privacy of our patients.
Please note:
If exhibiting any signs of upper respiratory illness, we encourage you to please not visit. If our masking policy should change during the respiratory illness season, we will update this page. The remainder of our visitation regulations can be found below.
Please note that, effective Oct. 1, 2024, with the onset of the flu and RSV season, sibling visitation is being suspended through the traditional season for both upper respiratory viruses in the Special Care Nursery (SCN) at TidalHealth Peninsula Regional, where that newborn population is the most vulnerable to illness. Come next spring, TidalHealth will revisit lifting the suspension in the SCN and allowing siblings to return. TidalHealth encourages parents to use any of the many video platforms available to them to connect siblings with their brother or sister in the SCN while visitation is halted.
Also on Oct. 1, 2024, pending any changes in the flu and RSV percentages on Delmarva, TidalHealth is expanding sibling visitation on the Mother/Baby Units at TidalHealth Peninsula Regional and TidalHealth Nanticoke to 11 am to 7 pm each day. Parents arriving for deliveries are being told of the changes.
TidalHealth Peninsula Regional and TidalHealth Nanticoke
- At TidalHealth Peninsula Regional, visitors should enter via the Hanna Main Entrance (adjacent to the Emergency Department), located near the Visitor Parking Garage off Vine Street. At TidalHealth Nanticoke, visitors should use the main entrance or your designated entrance.
- Anyone who is feeling ill or feverish should not visit and will not be allowed to proceed to a patient floor if they are found to have a fever or symptoms.
- A maximum of two visitors, age 12 and older, per patient. They do not need to be the same two people during the patient’s stay.
- Please note that the minimum visiting age in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is 12 or older and Labor and Delivery is 16 or older.
- Exceptions may be made in special cases, such as for visiting a dying family member.
- Siblings of any age are allowed to visit the Mother Baby Unit from 11 am to 6 pm or two hours after delivery. There is no limit to the number of allowed sibling visitors.
- General visitation hours will be 8 am to 7 pm, seven days a week. ICU visitation hours will be 11 am to 1 pm and 4 to 6 pm, seven days a week. We ask that all visitors be in the building by 6 pm for security reasons.
- TidalHealth will provide each guest with a visitation card that must be returned at the conclusion of their visit to the same reception desk from which it was obtained. Failure to do so will result in that patient not being allowed additional visitors until the card is returned.
- Visitors are required to check in at the reception desk where they will be informed of our current face mask policy.
- If visiting a patient confirmed to have COVID-19 or under investigation for COVID-19, the patient and the visitor must comply with all infection guidelines. The patient must wear a procedural mask, N-95 or KN95 mask. The visitor must wear a procedural mask, N-95 or KN95 mask, protective gown and gloves.
- Visitors will not be permitted to wait inside any TidalHealth lobby prior to visiting hours.
Same Day Surgery
- In Same Day Surgery, two banded visitors are allowed in the waiting area. If the patient is 17 or younger, two parents/guardians are allowed and must wait in the waiting area.
Labor & Delivery
- Only three designated banded visitors age 16 and older may visit at one time which includes a doula.
- Labor & Delivery Operating Room (OR)/Post-Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU).
- If the patient requires general anesthesia for a cesarean section there will be no visitors permitted in the OR.
- If the patient has regional anesthesia for a cesarean Section, one support person is permitted in the OR.
- Only the patient's significant other or support person is permitted to visit the PACU.
Mother Baby Unit (Post-Partum)
- The number of visitors is limited to a maximum of two which includes the support person and one other visitor.
- The support person is encouraged to stay with the mother during hospitalization.
- This visitor may switch out with other visitors during visiting hours 11 am to 6 pm (all visitors must leave by 7 pm).
- Siblings of any age are allowed to visit the Mother Baby Unit from 11 am to 6 pm or two hours after delivery. There is no limit to the number of allowed sibling visitors.
- Parents/guardians will be encouraged to stay with patients.
- There is a maximum of two visitors per room at any given time who will have designated arm bands.
- There will be a maximum of three bands permitted to allow two visitors with the patient at all times. This allows parents the ability to switch out. Outpatient staff may call directly to the nurses' station if further clarification of visiting status is needed.
Special Care Nursery
- The Special Care Nursery offers open bonding hours visiting policy for parents of infants. Bonding hours are 24 hours a day for the two banded visitors (two parents or one parent and support person). The exception is from 6:30 to 7:30 am and 6:30 to 7:30 pm at which time no visitors are allowed on the unit due to change of shift reports.
- Special Care Nursery patient rounds are conducted daily from 10 to 11 am.
- Only two persons per infant at a time may visit the bedside (this includes multiples).
- Mother and/or significant other will present their intact ID bracelet upon entering the Special Care Nursery to see the newborn.
- No information regarding the infant will be given to anyone other than the parents/guardian.
Emergency Department
- Two support persons are allowed to accompany a patient in the Emergency Department (ED). If that patient is later admitted to a medical floor, the patient will be allowed two visitors. Special exceptions may be made in the ED when necessary.
Alice B. Tawes Nursing & Rehabilitation and Chesapeake Cove Assisted Living
- Visitation is open from 10 am to 6 pm.
- All visitors, including children, are required to wear a facial covering when visiting. This is subject to change with CDC recommendations and will be communicated to visitors as they sign in.
- Visitors are asked to provide a negative test result on the day of their visit. If they don't have one, our team will provide a rapid test the day they visit.
- If you'd like to brighten a patient's day but cannot visit, you can send an e-card.