Instructions for colonoscopy preparation with MiraLAX for patients of TidalHealth Gastroenterology in Salisbury
You will need to purchase:
- One (1) bottle of MiraLAX prep powder (238 mg)
- Four (4) Dulcolax tablets (10 mg) each
- One (1) bottle of Gatorade (64 oz.) - not red, blue or purple
2 days before your procedure
Follow a clear liquid diet starting when you wake up 2 days prior to your procedure. For example, if your procedure is on Monday, you will be on clear liquids all day Saturday and Sunday.
- Water
- Coffee or tea (no milk or non-dairy creamers)
- Fruit juice (no pulp)
- Kool-Aid
- Sports drinks
- Sodas
Clear broth
- Chicken
- Beef
- Vegetable
- Jell-O (no fruit or toppings)
- Popsicles (no sherbets, fruit bars or fudge popsicles)
- Hard candy
The day before your procedure
- Refrigerate the Gatorade
- Drink clear liquids the entire day, do not consume any solid food
- At 3 pm, take two (2) Dulcolax tablets with 8 oz. of clear liquid
- At 6 pm, mix the MiraLAX in the 64 oz. bottle of Gatorade making sure the powder is dissolved
Drink an 8 oz. glass of the Gatorade solution every 10 to 15 minutes until it is finished - At 8 pm, take two (2) Dulcolax tablets with an 8 oz. glass of clear liquid
- Continue to drink as much clear liquids as possible until bedtime
- Nothing (including clear liquids) to eat or drink after midnight
The day of your procedure
You may take your morning medications with only enough water to get it down.