Instructions for colonoscopy preparation with SUPREP for patients of TidalHealth Gastroenterology in Salisbury
Please follow all instructions as seen below for a complete preparation. If you do not follow these instructions and your preparation is not complete, your test may be cancelled.
Please purchase a bottle of lemon magnesium citrate when you pick up your prep at the pharmacy. You will need to take this if your stools are not clear like water or pale yellow like urine, after taking your prep.
The day before your procedure
- Follow a clear liquid diet
- Do not drink milk
- Do not drink anything with red, blue or purple dye or food coloring
- Do not drink alcohol
- Water
- Coffee or tea (no milk or non-dairy creamers)
- Fruit juice (no pulp)
- Kool-Aid
- Sports drinks
- Sodas
Clear broth
- Chicken
- Beef
- Vegetable
- Jell-O (no fruit or toppings)
- Popsicles (no sherbets, fruit bars or fudge popsicles)
- Hard candy
How to take SUPREP bowel preparation kit
You will be taking your prep in two doses.
On the evening before your procedure at 5 pm:
- Pour one (1) 6 oz. bottle of SUPREP liquid into the mixing container. Add cool drinking water to the 16 oz. line on the container and mix. Drink all the liquid in the container.
- You must drink two (2) more 16 oz. containers of water over the next 1 hour.
On the morning of your procedure:
- You should not have anything by mouth except the second half of your prep.
- At least 6 hours prior to your procedure you will pour the second 6 oz. bottle of SUPREP liquid into the mixing container. Add cool drinking water to the 16 oz. line on the container and mix. Drink all the liquid in the container.
- You must drink two (2) more 16 oz. containers of water over the next 1 hour.
- At this time, if your stools are not clear like water or pale yellow like urine, you should drink the bottle of magnesium citrate you purchased. Please drink the entire bottle.
- You must finish the last glass of water at least 4 hours prior to your procedure.
Both 6 oz. bottles of SUPREP are required for a complete preparation. No exceptions.
Please be prepared to discuss these instructions when we call you prior to your appointment.