TidalHealth's Richard A. Henson Cancer Institute has established a neuro-oncology program, integrating multidisciplinary care between neurosurgery and radiation oncology. Neurosurgeon expertise in anatomy coupled with advances in radiation oncology targeting and positioning, have enabled an advanced collaborative approach for tumor targeting and treatment for both intra-cranial and spine tumor lesions. The advanced technology of the TrueBeam linear accelerator coupled with the RapidArc treatment system and PerfectPitch Six Degrees of Freedom Couch allow pinpoint precision ablative radiation to deep tumors within the brain and spine. These non-invasive treatment modalities ensure high cure rates with minimal side effects.
Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS), a bloodless, non-invasive procedure involving the use of extremely focused beams of high doses of radiation to destroy cancer abnormalities within the brain, is once again being offered exclusively on the Eastern Shore of Maryland at TidalHealth's Richard A. Henson Cancer Institute in Ocean Pines. Stereotactic Radiosurgery is a procedure used to treat brain abnormalities including those that may be inaccessible or unsuitable for conventional neurosurgical or radiation therapy techniques. Patients who are candidates for SRS will first have a CT scan and an MRI performed to allow physicians to determine the exact location of the abnormality within their brain. Radiation oncologists and treatment planners design the care using sophisticated computers to detail the target area, target volume, plus the dosage, direction and length of the radiation treatment beams. The couch allows them to set patients up with extreme accuracy, which limits exposure of normal tissue to the radiation therapy.
TidalHealth Richard A. Henson Cancer Institute
100 E. Carroll St.
Salisbury, MD 21801
Toll Free: 1-866-922-6237